Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Our 'President' (destroyer, dictator, senile puppet, totalitarian, divider) recently gave a speech very reminiscent of other totalitarian dictators wherein he demonized and dehumanized anyone who dares to disagree with him or his party's far Left agenda. He has since repeated that rhetoric several times in speeches and interviews. He called them "insurrectionists, a danger to democracy, lovers of chaos and violent extremists" who needed to be 'rooted out'. Less than two weeks later a Leftist terrorist at a street dance in North Dakota apparently got into an argument with an 18-year-old kid about something political. The North Dakota media (like most of the media in the U.S. - controlled by the Left) is doing little to no reporting on it and won't say exactly what the argument was about. I don't know if this kid was spouting crap or if he was simply wearing a MAGA hat or a pro-life t-shirt. For whatever reason, however, when the argument ended and the kid decided to just leave and head home, the man he'd been arguing with, a 41-year-old adult male, followed him, chased him down in an alleyway with his pickup truck and ran him down, leaving him lying on the ground to die. The Leftist terrorist (and this was an act of terrorism) then drove himself home and called the police to inform them that he'd killed a "right wing extremist" and that he'd felt "threatened by him". The kid was on foot, the terrorist was in a truck, but he felt so 'threatened' that he felt he needed to run the kid over. The confessed murderer is already out on bail, pending trial.

This is what is caused by this sort of rhetoric. The Brown Shirts in Germany carried out violent acts against the Jews and anyone who questioned their beliefs, all at the urging of their dictator. Pol Pot demonized and dehumanized the educated and well-off, manipulating the children of Cambodia with a constant stream of propaganda (just as the Left is currently doing in our schools, on the news, on TV, in movies, on social media, even in comic books). He then raised an army of young people, some barely in their teens, and unleashed them on those 'others'. Convincing them that they were saving Cambodia by rounding up and jailing, torturing and murdering millions. Biden and his party are doing exactly the same thing - only their "others" are conservatives, libertarians or basically anyone who questions the Far-Left agenda. In Washington State last year a man was shot point blank just because he'd attended a conservative gathering and was walking to his car. Now an 18-year-old is dead because he did or said something that a brain-washed extremist Leftist decided he needed to be executed for.

The most horrible thing about it all, notwithstanding that this child is gone and his family is devastated, is that our media is almost completely ignoring the story at all. When they do make any mention of it, they say NOTHING about the political aspect of the killing, even though the killer admitted to having killed the boy because he was supposedly a 'right wing extremist'. What do you think would be going on if the political views of the victim and the perpetrator were switched? You know what would be happening. The leftist news (which is 95% of the media) would be screaming about the violent, evil, dangerous conservatives and blaming it all on Trump.

These people aren't a political party anymore. They're a dangerous, violent cult and they have control of our school systems and academia, our government agencies, our media, our entertainment industry and most of our courts, as well. If they can, they'll pack the supreme court, do away with the filibuster, do away with voter ID laws and make universal mail-in voting a national law. Basically, making sure that America becomes a far Left, one party, totalitarian State. We MUST get out and vote in November and make sure that they lose the power that they currently hold in Congress or America will cease to be a representative republic, once and for all.

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